RCSI UCD Malaysia Campus VLE 




Moodle is the Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) used at RCSI UCD Malaysia Campus (RUMC). Moodle is a free open source software package designed using sound pedagogical principles, to help educators create effective online learning communities. Moodle is distributed under the GNU General Public License.

Moodle provides a range of features for the delivery, support, administration and participation in teaching and learning activities. The features include content delivery and collaboration between tutors and learners, such as:

Purpose of the Site Policy

The purpose of the Moodle Site Policy is to specify user responsibilities and to promote the appropriate use of Moodle for the protection of all members of the RCSI UCD Malaysia Campus community. The Site Policy applies both within and out with RCSI UCD Malaysia Campus premises.

Site Policy

Please note that users include ad hoc learners attending short courses at RCSI UCD Malaysia Campus.


Your Responsibilities

Users of Moodle must agree to:

  1. Not use Moodle for anything else other than for the purposes of teaching, learning and research. However, incidental personal use, for example via the Moodle social forums, is acceptable.
  2. Not use Moodle for personal commercial use, for example marketing.
  3. Not use Moodle for uploading, storing, viewing or transmitting any material which is (or may be considered to be) defamatory, inflammatory, discriminatory, obscene or offensive.
  4. Not misrepresent RCSI UCD Malaysia Campus or bring it into disrepute in any way through the use of Moodle.
  5. Be responsible for moderating discussion forums which they may have created.
  6. Always act in a professional manner. Be polite and courteous to others when using Moodle. Moodle is not to be used to libel, slander, or harass any other persons.
  7. Report to the Site Administrator or a member of staff any content you consider inappropriate.
  8. Not plagiarize in submitted postings or assignments.
  9. Not breach the copyright of RCSI UCD Malaysia Campus or any third party by copying from Moodle without authorization. Copyright of the course materials and content of Moodle are owned or controlled by RCSI UCD Malaysia Campus unless otherwise stated. Any copies of third party materials will be clearly labelled with warnings about any copyright restrictions.
  10. Not re-distribute the material downloaded from this site in any form.
  11. Only attempt to access courses in which you are formally enrolled (i.e. those courses which you are attending as a registered or auditing student).
  12. Always use your real identity, including your first and last name.
  13. Not disclose other people’s personal information on a public forum.

Material not conforming to these requirements will be removed from Moodle.

You agree that some material will not be provided via Moodle and that it is at the sole discretion of the individual tutor if they wish to post material to Moodle.

You use Moodle at your own risk. All material is posted “as is” without warranty of its accuracy. If you have any doubts about the veracity and accuracy of material posted on Moodle, you should consult the Site Administrator or a member of staff.

Your Responsibilities and Data Protection

Users of Moodle must agree to:

  1. Look after their own username and password. Do not share your password with anyone else and do not use the username and password of other users.
  2. Keep physical access to Moodle secure. For example, do not login to Moodle and then leave your computer unattended. You must not allow any other individual to log-in using your username and password.
  3. Not attempt to gain unauthorized access to any part of Moodle.
  4. Not post material which contains viruses or other programs which may disrupt RCSI UCD Malaysia Campus's systems.
  5. Not upload private, confidential or sensitive material unless this is authorized.
  6. Keep their own data up-to-date and secure.
  7. Understand that RCSI UCD Malaysia Campus will not take responsibility for any loss of information, which has been posted on Moodle, once users cease to be formally associated with RCSI UCD Malaysia Campus.


Certain activities will be regarded very seriously by RCSI UCD Malaysia Campus and are subject to severe penalties for users, including suspension of use of Moodle.

These activities include deliberate interruption to the use of Moodle; gaining or attempting to gain unauthorized access to any part of Moodle or information stored therein; unauthorized disclosure of personal data; willful or reckless infringement of any intellectual property rights of RCSI UCD Malaysia Campus or third parties; and the viewing, transmitting or storing any material which is (or may be considered to be) defamatory, inflammatory, discriminatory, obscene or offensive.